Last updated May - 2024
Curriculum Vitae
Gérard Philippe Cachon
543 Jon M. Huntsman Hall
The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania
3730 Walnut Street - Philadelphia - PA 19104
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Pennsylvania:
Ph. D., Operations Management, The Wharton School, 1995.
Thesis: On the Operational Implications of Continuous Product Replenishment to the Grocery Industry.
Dissertation advisor: Dr. Marshall Fisher.
B.A.S., Computer Science Engineering, The Moore School of Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1989
B.S., Economics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1989.
The Fred R. Sullivan Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, July 2005 to present.
Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, July 2015 to present.
Amazon Scholar, Oct 2023 to present
Visiting Professor, The University of Auckland, August 2007 to July 2008.
Associate Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, July 2001 to June 2005.
Kraft General Foods Term Associate Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, July 2000 to June 2001.
Associate Professor, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, 1998 to 2000.
Assistant Professor, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, 1994 to 1998.
Cachon, G., D. Kaaua. 2022. Serving Democracy: Evidence of Voting Resource Disparity in Florida. Management Science, 68(9). 6687-6696.
Cachon, G., K. Girotra, S. Netessine. 2020. Interesting, important and impactful Operations Management. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 22(1). 214-222.
Cachon, G. 2020. A Research Framework for Business Models: What is common among fast fashion, e-tailing, and ride sharing? Management Science. 66(3). 1172-1192.
Cachon, G., S. Gallino, M. Olivares. 2019. Does adding inventory increase sales: Evidence of a scarcity effect in U.S. automobile dealerships. Management Science. 64(4).
Cachon, G., K. Daniels, R. Lobel. 2017. The role of surge pricing on a service platform with self-scheduling capacity. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 19(3). 368-384.
Cachon, G., P. Feldman. 2017. Is advance selling desirable with competition? Marketing Science. 36(2). 195-213
Budish, E., G. Cachon, J. Kessler, A. Othman. 2017. Course Match: A Large-Scale Implementation of Approximate Competitive Equilibrium from Equal Incomes for Combinatorial Allocation. Operations Research. 65(2). 314-336.
Cachon, G., P. Feldman. 2015. Price Commitments with Strategic Consumers: Why it Can Be Optimal to Discount More Frequently ... Than Optimal. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 17(3). 399-410.
Park S.J., Cachon, G., Lai, G., Seshadri, S. 2015. Supply Chain Design and Carbon Penalty: Monopoly vs. Monopolistic Competition. Production and Operations Management. 24(9). 1494-1508.
Cachon, G. 2014. Retail store density and the cost of greenhouse gas emissions . Management Science. 60(8). 1907-1925.
Cachon, G. 2012. What is interesting, in operations management?. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 14(2). 166-169.
Swinney, R., Cachon, G., S. Netessine. 2011. Capacity investment timing by start-ups and established firms in new markets . Management Science. 57(4). 763-777.
Cachon, G., R. Swinney. 2011. The value of fast fashion: quick response, enhanced design, and strategic consumer behavior. Management Science. 57(4). 778-795.
Cachon, G., P. Feldman. 2011. Pricing services subject to congestion: charge per-use fees or sell subscriptions?. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 13(2). 244-260.
Cachon, G., G. Kok. 2010. Competing manufacturers in a retail supply chain: on contractual form and coordination. Management Science. 56(3). 571-589.
Cachon, G., M. Olivares. 2010. Drivers of finished goods inventory in the U.S. automobile industry. Management Science. 56(1). 202-216.
Olivares, M., G. Cachon, 2009. Competing retailers and inventory: an empirical investigation of General Motors' dealerships in isolated U.S. markets. Management Science. 55(9). 1586-1604.
Cachon, G., R. Swinney. 2009. Purchasing, pricing and quick response in the presence of strategic consumers. Management Science. 55(3). 497-511
Cachon, G., C. Terwiesch, Y. Xu. 2008. On the effects of consumer search and firm entry in a multiproduct competitive market. Marketing Science. 27(3). 461-473.
Cachon, G., T. Randall, G. Schmidt. 2007. In search of the bullwhip effect Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 9(4). 457-479. M&SOM Best Paper Award Finalist for 2010
Cachon, G., A. G. Kok. 2007. Implementation of the newsvendor model with clearance pricing: how to (and how not to) estimate a salvage value. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 9(3). 276-290.
Cachon, G., A. G. Kok. 2007. Category management and coordination in retail assortment planning in the presence of basket shopping consumers. Management Science. 53(6). 934-951.
Cachon, G., F. Zhang. 2007. Obtaining fast service in a queueing system via performance-based allocation of demand. Management Science. 53(3). 408-420.
Cachon, G., F. Zhang. 2006.Procuring fast delivery: sole sourcing with information asymmetry. Management Science. 52(6). 881-896.
Cachon, G., C. Terwiesch, Y. Xu. 2005. Retail assortment planning in the presence of consumer search. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 7(4). 330-346.
Cachon, G., M. Lariviere. 2005. Supply chain coordination with revenue sharing: strengths and limitations. Management Science. 51(1). 30-44
Cachon, G. 2004. The allocation of inventory risk in a supply chain: push, pull and advance-purchase discount contracts. Management Science. 50(2). 222-238.
Cachon, G., P. Harker. 2002. Competition and outsourcing with scale economies. Management Science. 48(10). 1314-1333.
Cachon, G. 2001. Managing a retailer's shelf space, inventory and transportation. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 3(3). 211-229.
Cachon, G. 2001. Stock wars: inventory competition in a two echelon supply chain. Operations Research. 49(5). 658-674.
Cachon, G. 2001. Exact evaluation of batch-ordering policies in two-echelon supply chains with periodic review. Operations Research. 49(1). 79-98.
Cachon, G., M. Lariviere. 2001. Contracting to assure supply: how to share demand forecasts in a supply chain. Management Science. 47(5). 629-46.
Cachon, G., M. Fisher. 2000. Supply chain inventory management and the value of shared information. Management Science 46(8). 1032-1048.
Schweitzer, M., G. Cachon. 2000. Decision bias in the newsvendor problem with a known demand distribution: experimental evidence. Management Science 46(3). 404-420.
Cachon, G., M. Lariviere. 1999. An equilibrium analysis of linear and proportional allocation of scarce capacity. IIE Transactions 31(9). 835-850.
Cachon, G., M. Lariviere. 1999. Capacity choice and allocation: strategic behavior and supply chain performance. Management Science 45(8). 1091-1108.
Cachon, G., P. Zipkin. 1999. Competitive and cooperative inventory policies in a 2 stage supply chain. Management Science 45(7). 936-953.
Cachon, G. 1999. Managing supply chain demand variability with scheduled ordering policies. Management Science 45(6). 843-856.
Cachon, G., M. Lariviere. 1999. Capacity allocation with past sales: when to turn-and-earn. Management Science 45. 685-703.
Cachon, G., M. Fisher. 1997. Campbell Soup's Continuous Product Replenishment Program: evaluation and enhanced decision rules. Production and Operations Management. 6 266-275.
Cachon, G., C. Camerer. 1996. Loss avoidance and forward induction in coordination games. Quarterly Journal of Economics 112. 165-194.
Cachon, G., K. Daniels, R. Lobel, "The Role of Surge Pricing on a Service Platform with Self-Scheduling Capacity." Springer Series in Supply Chain Management. Ed. Ming Hu. (2018)
Cachon, G., R. Swinney. 2008. The Impact of Strategic Consumer Behavior on the Value of Operational Flexibility. Operations Management Models with Consumer-Driven Demand, edited by Serguei Netessine and Christopher Tang.
Cachon, G., S. Netessine. 2004. Game theoretic applications in supply chain analysis. Supply Chain Analysis in the eBusiness Era, edited by David Simchi-Levi and S. David Wu and Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen and published by Kluwer.
Cachon, G. 2003. Supply chain coordination with contracts. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science: Supply Chain Management, edited by Steve Graves and Ton de Kok. North-Holland.
Cachon, G. 1998. Competitive supply chain inventory management. in Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management. eds. S. Tayur, R. Ganeshan and M. Magazine. Boston, Kluwer.
Cachon, G., C. Terwiesch. Matching Supply with Demand: An Introduction to Operations Management. 2013. 5th edition. McGraw-Hill.
Cachon, G., C. Terwiesch. Operations Management. 2016. 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill.
Cachon, G., M. Lariviere. 2001. Turning the supply chain into a revenue chain. Harvard Business Review. March.
Cachon, G. and P. Feldman. 2024. The Enigma of Ticket Exchanges (and other Reselling Markets)
Besbes, O. and G. Cachon 2023. The Fast and Affordable Delivery Problem.
Cachon, G., T. Dizdarer, G. Tsoukalas. 2021. Decentralized or Centralized Control of Online Service Platforms: Who Should Set Prices?
Cachon, G., D. Kaaua. 2020. Democracy on the Line: Polling Place Closures and the Wait Times to Vote
Cachon, G., S. Gallino, J. Xu. 2017. Free Shipping Is Not Free: A Data-Driven Model to Design Free-Shipping Threshold Policies
Cachon, G., S. Gallino, M. Olivares. 2012. Severe Weather and Automobile Assembly Productivity
Cachon, G. 1999. Competitive and cooperative inventory management in a two-echelon supply chain with lost sales.
Calzo Ltd - Focus on People. 2019.
Uber – surging up and down. Aug 2017.
The Greening of Walmart. Jan 2011.
Where in the World is Timbuk2: Outsourcing, Offshoring and Mass Customization, Mar 2008.
Where in the World is Timbuk2: Outsourcing, Offshoring and Mass Customization - Teaching note, Mar 2008.
Le Club Francais - Teaching note, May 2008.
Santa Clara University (Feb,94); University of Rochester (Feb,94); Duke University (Feb,94); University of Texas (Feb,94); University of Chicago (Mar,94);
University of Pennsylvania (Nov,96); Carnegie Mellon University (Nov,96); Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Stanford University (Apr,97); University of Rochester (Nov,97); The University of Michigan (Nov,97); Supply Chain Thought Leaders Roundtable sponsored by the Stanford Global Supply Chain Management Forum (Jan,98); Hewlett Packard Research Labs, Palo Alto (Jan,98); University of Chicago (May,98); The Symposium of Mathematical Models of Inventories, University of Aarhus, Denmark (Aug,98); Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Oct,98); Department of Operations Research, University of North Carolina (Apr,99); Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, The University of Michigan (Apr,99); University of California at Los Angeles, (May,99); Stanford University (May,99); Second Supply Chain Thought Leaders Roundtable, Eindhoven University (Jun,99); Northwestern University (Dec,99)
Purdue University (Oct,00); Conference on Incentives in Operations Management, Stanford University (Sep,00); Harvard University (Oct,00); Columbia University (Nov,00); The University of Washington (Dec,00) University of Michigan (Feb,02); University of Texas (Apr,02); Keynote speaker, Kellogg Summer Camp (Aug,02); Carnegie Mellon University (Dec,02) University of Southern California (Mar,03); University of California, Irvine (Mar,03); Massachusetts Institute of Technology, keynote speaker for The Second MIT Symposium in Operations Research: Procurement and Pricing Strategies to Improve Supply Chain Performance (May,03); Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Feb,04); Washington University (May,04); The University of Washington (Mar,04); Supply Chain Roundtable, Dartmouth University (Jul,04); Columbia Business School, Columbia University (Sep,04); Technology and Operations Management, INSEAD (Oct,04); Washington University (Nov,04); Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota (Nov,04); Operations and Information Management Department, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (Nov,04); Harvard University (Dec,04); Duke University (Dec,04)
Marketing Department, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (Mar,05); MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, MIT (May, 05); Stanford University (May,05); MSE, Stanford School of Engineering, Stanford University (May,05); Drexel University (Jan,06); University of Texas at Dallas (Mar,06); University of North Carolina (Apr,06); The Future of Distribution Channels Research, The Wharton School (May,06); University of British Columbia (Sep,06); Penn State University (Sep,06); The Workshop on Empirical Research in Operations Management, The Wharton School (Sep,06); New York University (Oct,06); Georgetown University (Dec,06); McGill University (Apr,07); Workshop on Supply Chain Competition, University of Auckland (Dec,07); Plenary Speaker, 42 Annual ORSNZ Conference, University of Auckland (Dec,07); Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (May,08); Columbia University (Oct,08); Northwestern University (Nov,08); University of California at Berkeley (Dec,08); University of California at Los Angeles (May,09); University of California at San Diego (May,09); University of Maryland (Nov,09); Stanford University (Dec,09)
New York University (Apr,10); Harvard University (Apr,10); Plenary speaker, Behavioral and Quantitative Game Theory: Conference on Future Directions (May,10); Consortium for Operational Excellence in Retailing - Plenary speaker; The Operations Management Workshop, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University (Sep,10); Keynote Speaker, NSF Sponsored Symposium on Low Carbon Supply Chains (Oct,10); Keynote Speaker, New York University's IOMS Department's 10th year celebration (Oct,10); Harvard University (Jan,11); University of Chicago (May,11); MSOM Conference: MSOM Fellows Acceptance Speech (Jun,11); Keynote Speaker: Overseas Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering (Jul,11); University of Michigan (Sep,11); Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Apr,12); University of Delaware (Apr,12); Georgia Institute of Technology (Nov,12); Columbia University (Mar,13); University of Southern California (Apr,13); Purdue University (Nov,13)
Columbia University - Marketplace Innovation Workshop (Jun,15); Yale University (Mar,16); Northwestern University (May,16); Georgetown University (Sep,16); University of Michigan (Nov,16); University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (Mar, 17); Stanford University (Apr,17); University of California at Berkeley (Apr, 17); Cornell University (Apr, 17); Columbia University (May,17); London School of Business (May,17); University College of London (May,17); Northwestern University (Aug, 18)
Amazon Consumer Science Summit (Sep, 20); INSEAD (Oct, 21); Auctions and Market Design INFORMS seminar series (Oct 21); University of Oklahoma (Nov 21); OCSAME Keynote Speaker (Jul 2022); Federal Reserve of Philadelphia (Aug 22); Marketing Science Virtual Workshop (Oct 22); Chinese University of Hong Kong (Dec 22); University of California, Los Angeles (Dec, 22); University of Southern California (Dec, 22). Keynote Speaker, Workshop in Management Science, University of Chile (Dec 23). NY City Ops Day May (24).
Wharton Teaching Excellence Award 2018, 2019, 2020,2021, 2022, 2023.
M&SOM Best Paper Award Finalist 2018, 2019, 2020 - The role of surge pricing on a service platform with self-scheduling capacity.
INFORMS Fellow, Class of 2015.
Management Science Best Paper in Operations Management finalist 2013 and 2014 - The value of fast fashion: quick response, enhanced design, and strategic consumer behavior.
Rapaport Award for Excellence in Teaching the Undergraduate Core (2013)
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society Fellow (2011)
Penn Fellow (2011): One of six mid-career Penn faculty chosen for this leadership development program
M&SOM Best Paper Award Finalist 2010 - In Search of the Bullwhip Effect
"Tough, But I'll Thank You in 5 Years" award, given by the Wharton Graduate Students Association (2012,2009,2002)
MSOM Society Service award (2008)
Miller-Sherred teaching award (2004): Awarded to the 8 professors with the highest core teaching evaluations
MSOM Meritorious Service award (2004)
Fuqua School of Business' Daimler-Chrysler Teaching Award for Innovation and Excellence in an Elective Course (1999)
Dissertation advisor (graduating year, first position):
Tolga Dizdarer (2022,Boston College)
Dawson Kaaua (2020, Georgetown University)
Kaitlin Daniels (2016, Washington University)
Santiago Gallino (2013, Dartmouth)
Pnina Feldman (2010, University of California, Berkeley)
Robert Swinney (2008, Stanford University)
Marcelo Olivares (2007, Columbia University)
Fuqiang Zhang (2004, University of California at Irvine)
Gurhan Kok (2003: Duke University)
Dissertation committees:
Daniel Chen (2024); Canberk Ucel (2022); Fei Gao (2017); Joseph Xu (2016); Xingwei (Alice) Lu (2016); Shiliang Cui (2013); Jun Li (2012); Jose Guajardo (2012), Necati Tereyagoglu (2012); Tom Tan (2012); Mehmet Fazil Pac (2012); Manu Goyal (2005); Guodong Gao (2005); Navid Sabbaghi (MIT); Ye Hu (2004); Justin Ren (2003); Noel Watson (2002); Yi Xu (2003); Mei Xue (2002)
Wharton Scholars advisor:
Hal Gotz (2004)
FNCE Department Review, 2023-2024.
OIDD Course Coordinator (Jul 2022 to present)
OIDD Recruiting Committee, Chair. (Jan 2021 - Dec 2021)
Vice Dean of Teaching and Strategic Initiatives (Sep 2018 - Jun 2020)
Vice Dean of Strategic Initiatives (Jan 2016 - Aug 2018)
Deputy Dean's Executive Committee (Sep 2009 - Jun 2020)
Dean's Advisory Committee (Sep 2014 - Aug 2015; Aug 2016 - Jun 2020)
M&T Director Search Committee (Fall 2015)
OIDD Department Chair (Jul 2009 - Jun 2016)
Chair, Wharton MBA Course Allocation Redesign (2011 - 2013)
OPIM Ph.D. Program Coordinator and Wharton PhD Executive Committee (2001 to June 2007 and (July 2008 to June 2009)
Wharton Advisory Committee on Faculty Personnel (2006-07)
Wharton MBA Executive Committee (2005-06)
OPIM 632 Core course coordinator, (2001-2006, 2009, 2011-12)
Operations and Information Management Department 5 Year Review committee (2005)
Marketing Department 5 Year Review committee (2004)
Operations Management seminar coordinator (2001)
OPIM recruiting committee (Spring 2001)
Fuqua School of Business: Curriculum Committee (1998 to 2000); Technology Committee (1996 to 2000); Ethics Committee (1994-1995)
MSOM Best Paper Award committee (2015)
Editor, Management Science (2009-2014)
MSOM Fellows selection committee (2013-2014)
MSOM Service Award selection committee (2013-2014)
MSOM Young Scholar Award Committee member (2013)
Editor, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2006-2008)
Program Committee, 3rd and 4rd Conference of the Overseas Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering
Chair, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Best Paper Award (5/07, 5/08)
President, Manufacturing and Service Operations Society of INFORMS (2006-2007)
Lancaster Prize Nomination Committee (2006,2007)
NSF DRMS Proposal Review Panel (11/06)
Department Editor, Management Science (9/05-4/06)
President-Elect, Manufacturing and Service Operations Society (2005-2006)
Senior Editor, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (1/00 - 12/05)
Associate Editor, Management Science (Operations and supply chain management, 1/99 - 9/05; Stochastic models and simulation, 1/05- 9/05)
Associate Editor, Operations Research (1/03 - 12/05)
Associate Editor, Naval Research Logistics (12/03-12/05)
Editorial Board, Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management
Chair of the 2003 Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society's Student Paper Competition
OIDD/OPIM 101, Undergraduate Core (Most years since 2009)
OIDD/OPIM 615/632, Operations Strategy (Most years since 2000)
OIDD/OPIM 615(WEMBA), Operations Strategy (2014,2015)
OPIM 611, Productivity and Quality - MBA Core (2013)
OPIM 585, Supply Chain Management (2008-10)
OPIM 632(WEMBA), Operations Management Core (2009-11);
OPIM 655, Integrating Marketing and Operations Management (2001-07)
OPIM 940, Introduction to Operations Management (Fall 2000,Fall 2022)
OPIM 941, Operations Management (Fall 2002)
OPIM 989: Supply chain contracting and coordination (Fall 2005)
Tiger FAP faculty coordinator (Spring 2001)
FAP faculty coordinator (Spring 2005)
BA 370, MBA Core in Operations Management (Spring 1995 -1997)
BA 476, Distribution and Supply Chain Management (Spring 1995, Fall 1995 - 1999)
Executive Development Program, 1/05, 5/05, 9/05, 2/06, 5/06, 9/06, 2/07, 5/07, 9/08, 2/09, 5/09: 2 sessions on supply chain management
Dubai World Faculty Advisor, 08: Advisor to project team on dry port development in UAE
Efficient Consumer Response Executive Development, Spring 2005
IDC, Fall 2003-2004: One day on the operations/marketing interface (with Steve Hoch)
Aventis Behring, Fall 2001: 2 sessions on supply chain management
Electronic Commerce Seminar, Fall 2000: 1 session on e-commerce logistics
OSRAM/Sylvania Institute for Manufacturing Management (Duke)
Deliveroo (2017), operations strategy
Luxe Valet (2014), operations strategy
Air Liquide (2010), inventory control
Gulfstream Inc (2006), revenue sharing contracts
GPlay Inc (2004), inventory control
Medtronic Inc (2003), inventory control and supply chain design
4R Systems (2002, 2004-2005), Inventory planning and control (2002), Revenue sharing contracts
Americold Corporation (1996), Inventory planning and control
Ahold Corporation (1997- 2000), product variety and inventory planning
O'Neill Inc (1999 to 2007), production scheduling and forecasting