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Working papers

Published papers

  1. Cachon, G., D. Kaaua. 2022. Serving Democracy: Evidence of Voting Resource Disparity in Florida. Management Science, 68(9). 6687-6696.


  2. Cachon, G., K. Girotra, S. Netessine. 2020. Interesting, important and impactful Operations Management. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 22(1). 214-222.

  3. Cachon, G. 2020. A Research Framework for Business Models: What is common among fast fashion, e-tailing, and ride sharing? Management Science. 66(3). 1172-1192. 

  4. Cachon, G. S. Gallino, M. Olivares. 2019. Does adding inventory increase sales: Evidence of a scarcity effect in U.S. automobile dealerships. Management Science. 65(4). 1469-1485.

  5. Cachon, G., K. Daniels, R. Lobel. 2017. The role of surge pricing on a service platform with self-scheduling capacity. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 19(3). 368-384.

  6. Cachon, G., P. Feldman. 2017. Is advance selling desirable with competition? Marketing Science. 36(2). 195-213

  7. Budish, E., G. Cachon, J. Kessler, A. Othman. 2017. Course Match: A Large-Scale Implementation of Approximate Competitive Equilibrium from Equal Incomes for Combinatorial Allocation. Operations Research. 65(2). 314-336.

  8. Cachon, G., P. Feldman. 2015. Price Commitments with Strategic Consumers: Why it Can Be Optimal to Discount More Frequently ... Than Optimal. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 17(3). 399-410.

  9. Park S.J., Cachon, G., Lai, G., Seshadri, S. 2015. Supply Chain Design and Carbon Penalty: Monopoly vs. Monopolistic Competition. Production and Operations Management. 24(9). 1494-1508.

  10. Cachon, G. 2014. Retail store density and the cost of greenhouse gas emissions . Management Science. 60(8). 1907-1925.

  11. Cachon, G. 2012. What is interesting, in operations management?Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 14(2). 166-169. 

  12. Swinney, R., Cachon, G., S. Netessine. 2011. Capacity investment timing by start-ups and established firms in new markets . Management Science. 57(4). 763-777. 

  13. Cachon, G., R. Swinney. 2011. The value of fast fashion: quick response, enhanced design, and strategic consumer behavior. Management Science. 57(4). 778-795.

  14. Cachon, G., P. Feldman. 2011. Pricing services subject to congestion: charge per-use fees or sell subscriptions?Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 13(2). 244-260.

  15. Cachon, G., G. Kok. 2010. Competing manufacturers in a retail supply chain: on contractual form and coordinationManagement Science. 56(3). 571-589.

  16. Cachon, G., M. Olivares. 2010. Drivers of finished goods inventory in the U.S. automobile industryManagement Science. 56(1). 202-216. 

  17. Olivares, M., G. Cachon, 2009. Competing retailers and inventory: an empirical investigation of General Motors' dealerships in isolated U.S. marketsManagement Science. 55(9). 1586-1604.

  18. Cachon, G., R. Swinney. 2009. Purchasing, pricing and quick response in the presence of strategic consumersManagement Science. 55(3). 497-511

  19. Cachon, G., C. Terwiesch, Y. Xu. 2008. On the effects of consumer search and firm entry in a multiproduct competitive market. Marketing Science. 27(3). 461-473.

  20. Cachon, G., T. Randall, G. Schmidt. 2007. In search of the bullwhip effect Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 9(4). 457-479. M&SOM Best Paper Award Finalist for 2010 

  21. Cachon, G., A. G. Kok. 2007. Implementation of the newsvendor model with clearance pricing: how to (and how not to) estimate a salvage value. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 9(3). 276-290. 

  22. Cachon, G., A. G. Kok. 2007. Category management and coordination in retail assortment planning in the presence of basket shopping consumers. Management Science. 53(6). 934-951. 

  23. Cachon, G., F. Zhang. 2007. Obtaining fast service in a queueing system via performance-based allocation of demand. Management Science. 53(3). 408-420. 

  24. Cachon, G., F. Zhang. 2006.Procuring fast delivery: sole sourcing with information asymmetryManagement Science. 52(6). 881-896.

  25. Cachon, G., C. Terwiesch, Y. Xu. 2005. Retail assortment planning in the presence of consumer search. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 7(4). 330-346. 

  26. Cachon, G., M. Lariviere. 2005. Supply chain coordination with revenue sharing: strengths and limitationsManagement Science. 51(1). 30-44

  27. Cachon, G. 2004. The allocation of inventory risk in a supply chain: push, pull and advance-purchase discount contracts. Management Science. 50(2). 222-238. 

  28. Cachon, G., P. Harker. 2002. Competition and outsourcing with scale economies. Management Science. 48(10). 1314-1333. 

  29. Cachon, G. 2001. Managing a retailer's shelf space, inventory and transportation. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 3(3). 211-229. 

  30. Cachon, G. 2001. Stock wars: inventory competition in a two echelon supply chainOperations Research. 49(5). 658-674.

  31. Cachon, G. 2001. Exact evaluation of batch-ordering policies in two-echelon supply chains with periodic review. Operations Research. 49(1). 79-98.

  32. Cachon, G., M. Lariviere. 2001. Contracting to assure supply: how to share demand forecasts in a supply chain. Management Science. 47(5). 629-46.

  33. Cachon, G., M. Fisher. 2000. Supply chain inventory management and the value of shared information. Management Science 46(8). 1032-1048. 

  34. Schweitzer, M., G. Cachon. 2000. Decision bias in the newsvendor problem with a known demand distribution: experimental evidence. Management Science 46(3). 404-420. 

  35. Cachon, G., M. Lariviere. 1999. An equilibrium analysis of linear and proportional allocation of scarce capacity. IIE Transactions 31(9). 835-850. 

  36. Cachon, G., M. Lariviere. 1999. Capacity choice and allocation: strategic behavior and supply chain performance. Management Science 45(8). 1091-1108. 
  37. Cachon, G., P. Zipkin. 1999. Competitive and cooperative inventory policies in a 2 stage supply chain. Management Science 45(7). 936-953. 

  38. Cachon, G. 1999. Managing supply chain demand variability with scheduled ordering policies. Management Science 45(6). 843-856. 

  39. Cachon, G., M. Lariviere. 1999. Capacity allocation with past sales: when to turn-and-earn. Management Science 45. 685-703. 

  40. Cachon, G., M. Fisher. 1997. Campbell Soup's Continuous Product Replenishment Program: evaluation and enhanced decision rules. Production and Operations Management. 6 266-275.

  41. Cachon, G., C. Camerer. 1996. Loss avoidance and forward induction in coordination games. Quarterly Journal of Economics 112. 165-194. 

Book Chapters
  1. Cachon, G., R. Swinney. 2008. The Impact of Strategic Consumer Behavior on the Value of Operational Flexibility. Operations Management Models with Consumer-Driven Demand, edited by Serguei Netessine and Christopher Tang. 

  2. Cachon, G., S. Netessine. 2004. Game theoretic applications in supply chain analysis. Supply Chain Analysis in the eBusiness Era, edited by David Simchi-Levi and S. David Wu and Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen and published by Kluwer. 

  3. Cachon, G. 2003. Supply chain coordination with contracts. Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science: Supply Chain Management, edited by Steve Graves and Ton de Kok. North-Holland.

  4. Cachon, G. 1998. Competitive supply chain inventory management. in Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management. eds. S. Tayur, R. Ganeshan and M. Magazine. Boston, Kluwer.

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